Anila Kitteon

Anila Kitteon
Sniff the Daffs

Tuesday, 3 April 2018

Who Where What Am I? Absorbing...


The original purpose of my blog was, as the title suggests, was to write about what I'm learning.

I had definitely lost sight of any direction - story of my life!

We're all on a journey... some have more certainty about where they want to or are headed.

I drift along. I meet people and absorb them - taking good, bad and naughty as I go. I am bad at saying no. I go with the flow.

This year has been a bumble of fitness activity...
I firstly achieved my goal of actively doing a yoga class (online) every day for 30 days. This became a chore at times (i.e. after a 13hr work day), but I still loved every moment 'on the mat'. I have still been doing yoga each week, but not every day. (
Oh, I also explored veganism, but as with my ADD life, continued to go with the flow and eat a healthy balance of what's readily available in my world (i.e work, HG), but a little more conscientiously.

I then found a 4wk eating plan by Betty Rocker, for $40 instead of $100... I have cooked a few things from the first week, but need to download week 2-4 :P (This was Feb, it's now April.)

A girl I follow on Instagram, who I loveeeee - talks about making sex and self loving much less taboo. (I think I need to write a sex/erotica blog... hmmmm!). Anyway, this cool chick was giving away her sexual self love online course/programme for free. So I signed up for that - AND a chat group for yoga lovers, with Adriene. (I haven't participated either - just received thousands of emailssss gah.)

At around the same time, a friend I'd recently started chatting to more (Scottish but lives back in Anglias), had recommended another online option -

I signed up (option of paying $10, $20 or $30) and have been doing the 20 day challenge - Fit & Fierce over 40 (although I'm not 40 for 3yrs). I'm on Day 16 and I started it about 3 weeks ago :D I do it here and there. I was trying to do consecutive days - and will try again this week - but there is also a page of reading to do each day, so I like to make time for it. She (Sadi Nardini) follows a daily topic, with a quick inspiration video, a recipe and a written self-reflection/development exercise, as well as the 20min work out - during which, she uses the same few warm-ups & cool downs repeated, with a fresh snippit in the middle - they are nice little workouts. Kinda intensive yoga :) It's a pretty good deal.

So all others fell to the wayside and this latter is the one I've been doing. It's always helpful to ask questions/figure/be aware of whats going on with oneself.

Also this year, I have been discovering, befriending and learning from some other women on Instagram (definitely my favourite app - photos are still my favourite). The most recent, are a beautiful group who support and encourage each other. I have a couple of (newish) irl friends, who see and take guidance from a naturopath. 

I have heard and read mention of Mercury being in Retrograde... I skimmed over it all a few time, then looked into it. I am trying to pay attention to interactions etc.
Because Mercury is the planet situated closest to the Sun, its orbit is much shorter than Earth’s. About three or four times a year, Mercury speeds past Earth, and that is when we experience a Mercury retrograde period. If you were in a car and another car passed you, you could tell it was going faster than you. But if it slowed down and you then passed it, it would appear that that car was actually going backward. Then when the other car speeds up and passes you again, it kicks up all of the dust in the road. As Mercury speeds by, it is like a train flying past, creating a powerful, turbulent gust of “wind” in its wake. The turbulence and disruption Mercury creates when it retrogrades can affect what we feel on Earth in our everyday lives.

These ladies, who love being outside in nature, adore and show gratitude to mother earth - appreciate this planet.
The girl I have known first/most is also re-approaching her Zero Waste journey. I have so so so so much time for people making the effort to start to save this beautiful planet and it's creatures.

I suppose my most loved topics (on IG) are Zero Waste, Childfree, Travel - seeing people's views of the world and then there's my kinky, wild, sexual side (which used to have it's own account, but now gets mostly suppressed or embraced through other avenues).
These peeps are also users/believers in crystals - linked with energy; combined with tarot(?) cards, candles etc. - I still am unsure but very interested in learning (not so much about cards). People were putting out their washed crystals out for the full moon to renew and cleanse the energy. Fascinating.

This is a long enough ramble and I finally hit my original point.

Lots to learn. I'm also reading about alignment (of the human body) - I am definitely interested in ways to help me grow old whilst staying strong. If I die sooner, that's cool, but I intend to do what I can to avoid being in pain.

Oh also, I have been attending a triathlon group and have registered for my first race this summer!!

I'll be swimming the 4km race again for a charity I know personally and possibly the more local (sprint) triathlon. Weeehooo!

And maybe a Rubic's Cube Party again - for my 37th Birthday! Byeeee! Thanks for reading this far!

Yesterday in Parry Sound...

Last Week... the view from our drive.